
Q+A Through the Blog: Round 2

I was browsing my friend Jeremy’s site last week and saw that he had already reached Round 8 in his Q+A series. I’ve done it once before here at SEOmoz – Questions Here and Answers Here and Here (there were a lot of questions) – but it’s been 7 months, so I think we’re due for another round. Besides, last year’s thread resulted in my favorite comment and reply of all time.

The way this works is simple – just ask any question you’d like in the comments below on topics including:

  • SEOmoz’s History
  • The SEOmoz Website or Business Model
  • Our Venture Capital Investment & Future Plans
  • My Personal Life or Opinions
  • Other Mozzers
  • SEO Industry/Politics
  • Search/Online Marketing Tactics & Strategies

We’ll collect questions from now until Wednesday or Thursday of this week, then publish answers by next Monday (if not before). Be aware that I may not be able to answer all questions fully, but I’ll do my best to address as many as possible in as much detail as I can.

p.s. If there’s a question below that you’re particularly interested in seeing answered, give it a thumbs up. I’ll try to prioritize answers and depth of response based on the thumbs.

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